
Published on May 17, 2020 | Bikesh Bade | 2343 Views

Would you call me saint or sinner?

I float in the sky and dance with the wind.

I don't follow the time, time follow me.

I can take away the warm and let you froze in cold.



It's been so long I had raised and roam around.

Now I want to come home.

I don't care sunshine,

I can shine bright than the sun

sound louder than a bomb.



Every day I shade day and warm the night.

I am trapped in the loneliness of dark night and

burn alone when the sun spares with the arrow of heat.

But now I want to feel the land.

I hate to say but I sweep away all that comes when I pour.

Cause I am wild and unstoppable.



How you like me now

when rainbow highlights the sky, 

Air loses its dust along,

Increase the contracts in the tree.



I am just the sweeper that cleans the air,

A washer that washes away the dirt,

A farmer that water a farm and forest, 

So tell me now am I a sinner or saint?


Sudhir Shrestha

Wow..just wow.

  • May 19, 2020 |

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