Kusha Devi

Published on May 19, 2020 | bikesh bade | 1636 Views

It's a pleasant valley. Nothing is special here. Normal is the code of nature. Trees, hills, terrain, and water all are so simple which makes this place peaceful.  Traffic is low, hour syndicate system, the horn of the vehicles are roaming no matter how high you climb.  Diversity is high still the gods are fwe.   Here peoples are more faithful to the work than gods.  


Potato farm on the hills makes the terrain greenery. Nestling is free,  wildlife and vegetation surrounds the location. Slow breeze dwelling the hills,  trees dancing with rhythm, constantly flowing water, that's all brings down the heaven on these small hills. Life here is so back to a time, money is not everything here. Relation and nature decorate survival.  No matter which season is running she got all the products.  Something is always missing in all places but still, she manages to give light to the brightest day.  


Sun is warm, roads are dusty, the wind blows the sweat, water runs downstream, all normal though heart envy the kush Devi as simple living high thinking...


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